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Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

PostHeaderIcon Emma Watson: I'm Not Suitable So Hermione Granger

There will not be there who do not agree that Emma Watson is the actress who played the fitting Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter smart. The fact is apparently not in accordance with the opinion of the actress alone. He considered himself not the right person.

"I knew from when I read the Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone that I'm not the right person for the role," she told ELLE magazine. He claimed to be surprised by all the Harry Potter film had he played.

"I was watching one of his films in one night., And it was amazing that I've managed to do it," he added. The actress who recently starred in the movie The Perks OF BEING A Wallflower has starred in eight Harry Potter films since 2001.

Now through his new film, Emma hopes to show the other side as an actress. "I hope Harry Potter fans can see that I was able to change, that I have a side that they had never seen," he explained.

In this new movie, she will act in total, including the time he was dancing wildly on the dance floor.

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